Presidenti i Republikës së Shqipërisë

Diplomatic Advisor

Vera Cara

Vera Cara was born in Tirana, on 7 Febbruary 1967.

She holds a Bachelor and M.A Degree in Economics from the University of Tirana, in 1990, and a M.A. II Degree in International Relations, Human Rights and European Union, from the Universitá Roma 3 (Italy), in 2008.

Before joining the diplomatic service in Decembre 1998, Mrs. Cara has worked in Post and Telecommuncation sector, dealing with regulatory issues and legislation.

Mrs. Cara attended various trainings for diplomats organised by Foreign Affairs Ministries and Institutions of Germany (2003), Netherlands (2002), USA (2001), Italy (2000), etc.

Mrs. Cara hold the diplomatic rank of Minister Counsellor. She has worked in various Departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, such as the Department of Economic Diplomacy, the Department of Consular Affairs, the Department of Americas, Africa and Latin America, etc.

Mrs. Cara has served in the Albanian Embassy in Rome for two mandates (2003-2009 and 2010-2016) and as Chargé d’Affaires for the period Febbruary-May 2016. During those missions she served also as Permanent Alternative Representative of Albania to the specialized Agencies for Agriculture and Food of the UN based in Rome (FAO, IFAD and WFP), Chair and vice-chair of the European Regional Group ERG-FAO (2008), etc.

She speaks English, French and Italian.

Diplomatic Advisor

Vera Cara


Vera Cara was born in Tirana, on 7 Febbruary 1967.

She holds a Bachelor and M.A Degree in Economics from the University of Tirana, in 1990, and a M.A. II Degree in International Relations, Human Rights and European Union, from the Universitá Roma 3 (Italy), in 2008.

Before joining the diplomatic service in Decembre 1998, Mrs. Cara has worked in Post and Telecommuncation sector, dealing with regulatory issues and legislation.

Mrs. Cara attended various trainings for diplomats organised by Foreign Affairs Ministries and Institutions of Germany (2003), Netherlands (2002), USA (2001), Italy (2000), etc.

Mrs. Cara hold the diplomatic rank of Minister Counsellor. She has worked in various Departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, such as the Department of Economic Diplomacy, the Department of Consular Affairs, the Department of Americas, Africa and Latin America, etc.

Mrs. Cara has served in the Albanian Embassy in Rome for two mandates (2003-2009 and 2010-2016) and as Chargé d’Affaires for the period Febbruary-May 2016. During those missions she served also as Permanent Alternative Representative of Albania to the specialized Agencies for Agriculture and Food of the UN based in Rome (FAO, IFAD and WFP), Chair and vice-chair of the European Regional Group ERG-FAO (2008), etc.

She speaks English, French and Italian.