Presidenti i Republikës së Shqipërisë


Diplomatic Advisor

Ilir Melo ​

Born in 1963, Ilir Melo joined the Albanian Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in 1993. He is a member of Foreign Service with the rank of the Minister Plenipotentiary.

Mr. Melo served as the Albanian Ambassador to Croatia and as Ambassador non-resident to Bosnia and Hercegovina during this time he also was the Albanian representative to RACVIAC, Zagreb.

Mr. Melo has served in different postings abroad including Albanian Mission to UN, Albanian Embassies in Washington DC, London and Stockholm.

Among other assignments he held senior posts as the Director General for International Organisations; the Chief of the Cabinet of the Deputy Prime minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs; Chargé d’Affaires, a.i. at Albanian Mission in UN; National Coordinator for several international/regional organizations such as: EUSAIR, SEECP/RCC, WBF, CEI, BSEC, etc. He has been appointed as Vice-President and member of the Bureau of the 2004 UN Pledging Conference for Development Activities and the 2004 FAO of UN Pledging Conference for the World Food Programme; and Vice-chairman of the Main Committee III, 2005 NPT Review Conference

Mr. Melo served as the Director of the Department for the Region and Neighbouring Countries Director for the America, Asia and Africa, Director for the Historical Archives and Documentations, and before he held the position of Director at the Department of Europe. He also took up the positions as Director of the Americas Department, Director of European Union Department and member of Foreign Minister’s Cabinet. Mr. Melo has been appointed in different positions and departments in the Ministry, including State Protocol, NATO office, Americas and European office, etc.

Mr. Melo has been graduated from Diplomatic Academy in Vienna (1993-1994).  He has also completed a number of programs and training courses in Germany (George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies), USA, Italy, Greece, Israel, etc.

Prior to his engagement to the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, he has been assistant professor to Tirana University (1987-1993), right away after the completion of studies in physics in the same university in 1987.

He was awarded the Croatian Medal of the Order of Duke Branimir.

Mr. Melo is married and has two daughters.

Diplomatic Advisor

Ilir Melo ​


Born in 1963, Ilir Melo joined the Albanian Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in 1993. He is a member of Foreign Service with the rank of the Minister Plenipotentiary.

Mr. Melo served as the Albanian Ambassador to Croatia and as Ambassador non-resident to Bosnia and Hercegovina during this time he also was the Albanian representative to RACVIAC, Zagreb.

Mr. Melo has served in different postings abroad including Albanian Mission to UN, Albanian Embassies in Washington DC, London and Stockholm.

Among other assignments he held senior posts as the Director General for International Organisations; the Chief of the Cabinet of the Deputy Prime minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs; Chargé d’Affaires, a.i. at Albanian Mission in UN; National Coordinator for several international/regional organizations such as: EUSAIR, SEECP/RCC, WBF, CEI, BSEC, etc. He has been appointed as Vice-President and member of the Bureau of the 2004 UN Pledging Conference for Development Activities and the 2004 FAO of UN Pledging Conference for the World Food Programme; and Vice-chairman of the Main Committee III, 2005 NPT Review Conference

Mr. Melo served as the Director of the Department for the Region and Neighbouring Countries Director for the America, Asia and Africa, Director for the Historical Archives and Documentations, and before he held the position of Director at the Department of Europe. He also took up the positions as Director of the Americas Department, Director of European Union Department and member of Foreign Minister’s Cabinet. Mr. Melo has been appointed in different positions and departments in the Ministry, including State Protocol, NATO office, Americas and European office, etc.

Mr. Melo has been graduated from Diplomatic Academy in Vienna (1993-1994).  He has also completed a number of programs and training courses in Germany (George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies), USA, Italy, Greece, Israel, etc.

Prior to his engagement to the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, he has been assistant professor to Tirana University (1987-1993), right away after the completion of studies in physics in the same university in 1987.

He was awarded the Croatian Medal of the Order of Duke Branimir.

Mr. Melo is married and has two daughters.