25/04/2023• News, News• Bianka Hada
The President of the Republic, H.E.Mr. Bajram Begaj received today the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of North Macedonia, Lieutenant General Vasko Gjurchinovski.
During the meeting, President Begaj spoke about the excellent relations between Albania and North Macedonia in all aspects – political, economic, defense and security.
“I believe that good-neighborly relations are a strong contribution to the peace, stability and prosperity of the entire region”, President Begaj said in his remark.
“As NATO member countries, we work to contribute to the security and collective defense of the Alliance, and we face the same challenges to meet NATO requirements in preparing and training our forces to be ready for any emergency” – President Begaj stated further.
The Head of State fully supported and encouraged cooperation between the two countries, especially in areas of military education, joint training, cooperation in civil emergencies, etc.
This could be achieved even thanks to the existing initiatives or even through the exploration of other initiatives within the EU-NATO defense cooperation.