Presidenti i Republikës së Shqipërisë

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President Biden’s message of thanks and gratitude to President Begaj for the strategic alliance and cooperation

The President of the Republic of Albania, H.E.Mr. Bajram Begaj, received today, during the meeting with the U.S. Representative to the UN, Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, a message of thanks and gratitude from President Biden to Albania and the Albanian people for the strong cooperation, advancement of bilateral relations, regional stability and global security.

‘As NATO allies, we have worked together to defend freedom and democracy around the world,’ stated President Biden in his message.

In the face of Russian aggression against Ukraine, we have stood side by side in the United Nations Security Council and cooperated on resolutions related to Russia’s unjust and unprovoked war, as well as addressing other global challenges.

President Biden appreciates Albania’s generous assistance for housing Ukrainian and Afghan refugees, as a contribution to a safer world.

The message emphasizes that, ‘The United States remain committed to significantly and continuously assisting Albania in strengthening cyber defense, including financial support and the establishment of a cyber-security task force.’

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, President Biden underlines, that in the coming years we wish to further deepen our strategic partnership, as well as support Albania’s efforts for a greater leadership role, through the promotion of stability and energy security in the Western Balkans.