17/04/2018• Uncategorized, Uncategorized• Bianka Hada
Brigadier General Piro AHMETAJ, was born on 10 March 1963. He started his military career with studies at the Military Academy “Skanderbeg” in 1983. In 1986 was commissioned and throughout his career he has been assigned to numerous operational, command and staff positions, having the privilege of commanding troops up to battalion level, and serving in a variety of high rank positions to the Albanian AF.
Ahmetaj was promoted from colonel to the rank of Brigadier General by the President of the Republic by Decree 8232, on 24.06.2013, appointed as D/CHOD of ALB AF by Decree 8237 date 28.06.2013; from January 2014 has been appointed as the Defence Adviser to the President of the Republic of Albania. To achieve this rank, he has gone through the ranks of Captain in 1992, Major in 1998, Lieutenant Colonel in 2004 and Colonel in 2008.
The promotion as general ensued during his tour of duty as the National Military Representative to the Supreme Command of Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE), when autharized by Government General had endorsed several MOU and TA. He took over the NMR duty immediately after the country’s accession to NATO in April 2009 (till September 2013). For his thriving efforts to establish the NMR Office and for his distinguished performance and qualitative products, General Ahmetaj has received the highest considerations nd appreciation from national and SHAPE authorities. Before being appointed NMR, he had served for a year as National Coordinator in NATO, MCD, SHAPE/ACT.
Prior to his assignment in SHAPE, General Ahmetaj, throughout 1999-2008 had served in strategic planning structures of Albanian MOD and GS, filling a variety of positions such as a specialist, Staff Officer for MAP/PARP, Head of Military Cooperation and in the position of the Deputy (and acting) Director of Defence Planning in Albanian MOD/GS.
In the period 1986-1992, he served in various posts ranging from platoon to battalion commander in Shkoder, to continue thereafter (1993-1999) with duties as CIMIC Chief in a Infantry Brigade, and later as Inspector and Deputy Chief of Military Police Unit in Vlore.
After his graduation and promotion from the Military Academy “Skanderbeg” he attended and successfully completed the two-year course of the General Staff on the Defence Academy “Spiro Moisiu” in Tirana (2002-2004) and 108 Senior NATO Defence College in Rome (in 2006). All through entire career, he has participated in various courses for Defence Management, Military Diplomacy, Defence Planning; Crisis Management, Standardization etc., necessary to update and increase the knowledge in order to serve in different functions.
Generalbrigade Ahmetaj is a “Master of Global Security Matters” and he is pursuing the “Doctor of Science” program in the area of National Security System. He has had a very rich activity publishing 100’s titles, researches, and books in different military and civilian press, on matters related with National, Regional and Global Security, Military Strategy, National Security System, NATO Integration, The Professionalism of AF.
During his career, Generalbrigade Ahmetaj has been awarded tensdecorations, and the Military Merit Medal and Orders, for distinguished work and contribution.
General Ahmetaj is married to Mrs. Lindita and they have two children, Arlind and Esmeralda Ahmetaj, respectively 24 and 22 years.