Presidenti i Republikës së Shqipërisë

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Activities, Activities

President Begaj, the First Lady and the staff of the Institution of the President donate blood

Today, on the World Blood Donor Day, the President of the Republic, H.E.Mr. Bajram Begaj and First Lady, Armanda Begaj, along with the staff of the Institution of the President followed the tradition of blood donation in this institution.

This campaign, organized in cooperation with the National Blood Donation Center, aims to raise awareness among Albanian citizens to contribute to blood donation.

This year the worldwide blood donation campaign focuses on individuals who require lifelong transfusion support.

IMG 20230614 WA0016In this context, the First Lady stated that: “Anyone who is healthy and has the opportunity to donate blood or plasma, as a sign of solidarity, will contribute to a better quality of life for patients who are in life-threatening conditions. A seemingly small gesture of blood donation, but it saves lives.”

Mrs. Begaj seized the opportunity to express her gratitude to all those who make their contribution on this day: “Thank you to all those who are sensitized to donate blood in Albania. Together, we face and overcome all types of difficulty more easily!” – the First Lady said, at the end of her message.