26/09/2022• Uncategorized• Bianka Hada
The swearing-in ceremony of the newly appointed judge to the Constitutional Court, Mr. Ilir Toska took place before the President of the Republic, H.E.Mr. Bajram Begaj, at the Institution of the President of the Republic.
After the execution of the national anthem and the reading of the relevant decision of his appointment, Judge Toska, with his hand on the Constitution of the Republic of Albania swore before the President of the Republic: ‘I solemnly swear that I shall always be loyal to the Constitution of the Republic of Albania in fulfilling my duties’.
President Begaj wished success to Mr. Ilir Toska, in his new duty as a member of the Constitutional Court.
At the solemn swearing-in ceremony were present the President of the Constitutional Court, Mrs. Vitore Tusha; Vice-President of the Supreme Court, Mr. Sokol Sadushi; Chairman of the Judicial Appointment Council, Mr. Sokol Binaj; OPDAT Resident Legal Adviser at the U.S. Embassy in Tirana, Mr. Constantine Soupios; Head of the Political Section of the EU Delegation in Tirana, Mr. Alexis Hupin; as well as members of the Cabinet of the President of the Republic.